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The latest facts on Business VoIP

Flex Your Freedom Muscle with Business VoIP

Posted on January 22 2014 by businessvoip17 in Business VoIP

If you’ve stuck with us over the last few months, then you know by now that Business VoIP has a significant number of advantages over the older phone systems that organizations used to rely on. Perhaps the biggest advantage in terms of impact on day-to-day activities is the improved flexibility. It used to be that communications were tethered, so that you were held back by the length of a cord. Even though the rise of cell phones has eliminated this restriction in public life, many businesses still use phones that require you to be at your desk or risk missing calls and messages.

To free you from this tyranny, VoIP technology integrates with other communication channels and devices to give you more freedom. By forwarding calls to a mobile device, a home phone, or even a hotel phone, you are free to travel away from your desk without missing important calls. Even without a phone, you can sometimes still make calls with only an Internet connected computer using a soft phone. Additionally, messages and faxes can all be forwarded to your email inbox for quick review and easy storage. You can even merge your mobile and desktop phone voicemail inboxes, so you only need to check one to get all of your messages.

There is no doubt that the flexibility and freedom offered by Business VoIP is a big deal. It means no more being stuck at your desk waiting for an important call and no more being out of touch while traveling and coming back to hundreds of waiting messages. On an even grander scale, this technology makes it easier to telecommute, work outside the office, or switch entirely to a virtual office setup. The possibilities of a truly flexible phone system are endless.

But how does this flexibility affect your bottom line? Well, it may surprise you to learn that this technology actually improves it. Despite the added capabilities, or really because of them, it reduces costs. Telephone calls over IP networks get better rates than over the PSTN and those savings are reflected on your monthly bill. There are also numerous other opportunities for saving, from combing voice and data on a single network to saving on maintenance charges due to the ease of making changes post setup. The service is easy to scale and it’s easy to move phones around as you need to. With incredible flexibility and great savings, it’s no mystery why we can’t stop talking about Business VoIP month after month.

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